Every Painting Has a Story #5 – Diana Waller’s Women of the Bible Series

Diana Waller, a Blind Bay Painter, is well known in the Shuswap area for her creative use of glass and paint and now is exploring new ideas using mixed media.  Mixed media is a combination of more than one medium, in her case she uses paint, glass, paper, fabric, plastic, and any other objects she might find that would enhance the concept she is creating.  In her new series, called “Women of the Bible”, she uses several of these combination of materials to create a “painting” on a tile.

Diana has completed 8 of the 11 planned tile paintings and is continuing to work on the remaining pieces.  Each tile is backed with cork and uses a variety of materials to create the art.

The women of the Bible each have their own story to tell in each tile.

The Samaritan Women – “He told me everything I have ever done!”  Sarah – “I will give you and Sarah a son.  Sarah laughed, “A Woman, my age can have a baby?”  Ruth – Ruth said to Naomi her mother-in-law,  “Perhaps I can go into the field and glean
where she met Boaz her husband to be!” Rachel – Rachel came with her father sheep and ,when Jacob saw Rachel, he fell passionately in love with her.  Mary and Martha – “Lord do you not care that my sister left me to do all the work ?  Mary has chosen the best part”.  Lydia – A businesswoman, makes cloth of purple from a rare dye.  Hannah – “I am not drunk but very sad, I’m pouring out my heart to God”  Ester – Queen of Persia ,not invited she fell down before the king and risked her life to save her people.

If you are interested in purchasing any of Diana’s tiles, you can contact us using the Art in the Shuswap “Contact Us” page.


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